Non-commercial clinical trials characteristics

Submitted by KarolinaMosakowska on Tue, 10/24/2023 - 14:24

Non-commercial clinical trials, such as ADONIS-PCI, are medical studies conducted independently of the commercial interests of pharmaceutical companies or other corporations. Their purpose is to improve healthcare, advance scientific knowledge, and treatment, rather than solely for financial gain. Such studies are typically funded by non-profit organizations, government agencies, academic institutions, or foundations. The sponsor of our study is the Medical Research Agency.

The key features of non-commercial clinical trials include:

  1. Non-Commercial Objective: These studies focus on public health, advancing treatment, improving healthcare standards, or enhancing scientific knowledge, rather than financial profit.

  2. Funding from Public Sources: They are usually funded by public funds, grants, donations, or resources obtained from non-profit organizations.

  3. Transparency and Independence: Non-commercial clinical trials emphasize transparency and independence from external influences. Decisions regarding the project and results are not tied to commercial interests.

  4. Access to Scientific Knowledge: The results of these studies are often made widely available, aiding in knowledge-sharing and improving healthcare quality.

  5. Collaboration with Academic Institutions: Non-commercial trials frequently collaborate with universities and research institutions, contributing to scientific development and education.

  6. Focused on the Bottom of the Healthcare Hierarchy: These studies often aim to provide information that helps physicians and patients make more informed treatment decisions.

Non-commercial clinical trials play a significant role in advancing medicine and involve the collaboration of scientists, patients, non-profit organizations, and research institutions.

Thanks to studies like ADONIS-PCI, healthcare becomes more evidence-based, accessible, and effective.

For more information about the research, you can visit the ABM website:,Definicje-badania-klinicznego.html